Medical and Science

The Beauty of the Underground World

Carlsbad Caverns (156 of 196) by marriedwithluggage, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic LicensePhotoย byย ย marriedwithluggage

Our planet is full of unexplained mysteries, bizarre landscape and natural creations. But one natural occurring wonder that has always fascinated me is the underground. I remember when I was a kid, my parents, sister and I all went to the Carlsbad caverns in New Mexico. It was the most fascinating thing I’d ever seen. Such beautiful underground landscapes made up of stalactites, stalagmites and ingenious natural creations created over millions of years.
This underground world is often referred to as the underworld by mythologies. This means “the shadowy spirit land of the dead”. But essentially it is just a vast system of caves, potholes, tunnels and subterranean lakes. Some of these areas have been mapped out, but the majority of it has yet to be discovered. Even though some of these underground networks go miles below the surface of the Earth, they are still very far from reaching the Earth’s core.

The Earth’s Interior

We’ve discussed a little bit about the Things Happening Under Our Noses in a post last month. But today we’ll focus on things happening inside the Earth. No one has ever been able to really discover much of what the Earth has to offer in it’s interior, it is simply too hot for us to reach it. But today computers have aided in simulating what it may be like.
A brilliant scientist by the name of Edmund Halley had successfully calculated the cycle of the brightest known comet. We all know which one that is, the Halley’s Comet of course. He also did studies on the Earth’s magnetic fields and he then realized that it’s direction would vary slightly.
Because of his discoveries, he formed a theory that the Earth was made up of four spheres that were present in layers throughout the core. Each one of these spheres were said to have their own magnetic field that would vary slightly from the other. He also concluded that in between these spheres were separate atmospheres made up of different gases. To me this is beginning to sound a bit like many planets being inside each other. These gases are believed to be the source of the auroras that are sometimes seen during the night.

Entrances to the Underworld

There is a belief that there may be two very large main entrances that lead into the Earth’s interior, one being at each magnetic pole. Of course that would be the North Pole and the South Pole. It’s said that aircraft are unable to detect these entrances because they would actually travel around the rims. I guess this has something to do with the fact the Earth is moving constantly and is rotating on a tilted axis. It is also possible the magnetic fields may disrupt their onboard compasses so they are unable to navigate directly over the center.
There a many other entrances that are said to exist, such as one behind the Himalaya mountains in Asia. There are also some thought to be in Yorkshire, England, the Matto Grosso region of Brazil, Australia, Egypt and also in Africa. These entrances are all supposed to be linked by a series of underground tunnels which are just as big of a secret as the entrances themselves.

What is Really Inside

Many theories suggest there are communities of spiritually enlightened people that are living inside the Earth. They are said to possess great wisdom and secrets of our planet and existence. Supposedly they are keeping this knowledge from us until the day we are capable of fully understanding the futility of war and violence. Possibly these communities consist of people that may of escaped the destruction of Atlantis and retreated to the inner working of our Planet as a place of refuge.
There is also the possibility of there being and underground universe from which alien spacecraft may emerge to patrol our planet. We discussed this possibility in my post Alien Life and UFOs, are They Out There. But the most logical explanation seems to be that there are one, maybe two suns within our planet. And a complex ecosystem may exist with lush vegetation with animals completely alien to the ones on the surface.
I suppose this will go into the files as unexplained along with many of the other mysteries of our planet. There it will remain until we have the technology to explore these regions that are currently unreachable. But one fact remains, our planet is home to many underground beauties that will simply amaze and bewilder the human mind. Hopefully one day we will discover it’s truth and will benefit from it’s offerings.
I’d love to hear of any other underground wonders any of you may of explored in the comments below.

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22 thoughts on “The Beauty of the Underground World
  1. excellent piece of information, I had come to know about your website from my friend kishore, pune,i have read atleast 8 posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your site gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i’m already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanx a lot once again.

    1. I really appreciate the words of encouragement. I’m very glad to hear folks are getting enjoyment from my blog. I love to take the things people normally wouldn’t think about and put them in the spot light ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Good read. I think it is fascinating to think about what is inside the Earth. It’s really big to think about and I think that picture you have there is absolutely amazing!

    1. Yes, there really are some beautiful places underground. That particular photo was taken at the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, USA. I went there with my family when I was a kid and it was amazing! But it’s constantly changing, so to go now would present many new landscapes.

  3. Interior designer may impress about it.Its really looking very charming.Underworld,Underground and Underwater is always a mysterious for all.

  4. Interesting and catchy information! Thanks Robert for sharing this. Most of us wonders eventually about whats there inside the earth. And again few people with their imaginative minds makes innovative stories regarding this p[articular aspect. But hats off to your imagination where you said about underground universe , aliens , home of spiritual enlighted people , lush green vegetation and many more. Just loved the post ! Keep posting!

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you found it interesting. We just really have no way of knowing for sure what is down there. Russia tried drilling deeply into the Earth, but were only able to drill 7.62 miles deep before the drill bits failed. So until we get better drilling technology we may never know the truth of what lies below. But it’s nice to use the imagination. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Interesting post, it always sparks my curiosity to think about what’s below our feet. There’s so many possibilities, your mind could wander lol. Maybe one day with better technology, we’ll get a glimpse inside!

    1. Agreed, one day we may actually have to find refuge in the underworld when the surface can no longer sustain life. I believe any and all research on what’s down there will be building blocks for our future.

  6. Robert thanks for sharing your deep insight with us. The information of underground beauty is really very interesting. I always used to discover some new things from the nature. As we know Robert that the beauty of earth

    1. Absolutely, the Earth is full of so many fascinating things. Sometimes we have to slow down for a second and get away from the hustle in order to truly appreciate what’s in front of us. Thanks for the kind words and appreciate you stopping by. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. ..& its environment is vast, so every day there is something new , something different & If we want to see that different things that we all have to open our eyes like Robert as you did. Robert thanks for sharing this deep knowledge with us.
        Here is the full comment. Thanks Robert for appreciating my comment.

        1. Ahh, ok, gotcha. I was wondering why that last sentence was cut short. Thank you for clarifying ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I have never been to an underground landscape before. I love nature to the max and hoping that one day I travel to see a marvelous natural landscape beauty.

    1. Not sure where you’re from, but if you’re in the States, then Carlsbad caverns in New Mexico is a must. It is such a huge underground landscape and very beautiful.

  8. The World is truly amazing…there are lots of creation in which we can say that there is a supreme being that made all of these things

    1. Oh most certainly! I am definitely a believer that all these complex creations of life could not of happened by accident. There has to be something greater than ourselves at work here.

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