
Meanings for Having Accidents in Your Dreams

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Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic LicensePhoto by  jez.atkinson

Oh man, the Dream Meanings series is going to be a doozie. There are literally thousands of possible dream meanings interpretations. I’m going to try and cover some of the more well established dream meanings and try to do that in as little space as possible.

The first dream meanings scenarios I would like to cover are Accidents. These are by far the most uncomfortable type of dream as they can leave you waking in a pool of sweat. But they may not all mean exactly what they appear. So even though you may awaken suddenly and intensely, be sure to take note of what ever you can remember as we discussed in The Stages of Sleep and What Dreams are Made Of.

Traditionally dream meanings for accidents are centered around the possibility that you’re being given a warning of possible danger. They may also tell you to be alert for any danger or hidden aggression that may be coming your way. These are more well known as physical interpretations.

Spiritual interpretations may suggest that some kind of intervention from an authoritative source is needed.
According to Sigmund Freud dreams are no accident at all, rather we have them as an unconscious way of unraveling or dealing with issues in our daily lives. In fact dream meanings dealing with accidents are said to foretell  explanations of things our unconscious mind has taken note of, but our conscious mind failed to notice.

For instance, what if you had a dream that someone was killed at a certain cross walk. Then it came to pass. The theory suggests that you unconsciously noticed how dangerous this particular cross walk is and may of read something in passing about the growing dangers on that road due to people not paying attention. All this adds up to your dream of this accident being a foresight into the future. But was it really?

Dream Meanings of Major Accidents

Dream Meanings for the Dreamer having an Accident

If you have a dream that you yourself has an accident of some sort, then you should jot down any information you can remember about this dream. This is especially important if the accident involved something that you use on a daily basis, like a bicycle or your car.

A good practice in a situation like this would be to perform maintenance on what ever your dream told you was going to be dangerous. Maintenance is a good idea anyway, so it couldn’t hurt to give something a once over just to make sure you avoid the dangers from your dream.

Another scenario could be that you dream of getting hit by a car while running across the street to speak with someone you plan to cheat on your spouse with. Dream meanings for things like this could be showing pent-up guilt, as you know this is the wrong thing to do. So either you’re telling yourself this is a dangerous act, or by committing the adultery it could lead to further accidents.

Other common dream meanings for having a car accident in your dreams is that the dream is trying to tell you to slow down in life. That maybe you are going on a destructive path by pushing yourself too hard. A good course of action would be to re-evaluate your circumstances and maybe find a plan for taking care of business in a less stressful way. Stress can lead to massive heart attacks and sickness as we’ve discussed before. So a car wreck in your dream may be telling you you are going to become fatally ill if you continue on the same path.

Pay close attention to the people involved in the dream. In the end did you manage to find refuge somewhere, or did you rescue someone else. This could be telling you where you need to go or who is in need of your help.

Dream Meanings of Accidents in the Home

Having dreams of accidents in the home may mean that tension is building in your home environment. It may also reveal something you’ve unconsciously noticed that may cause a domestic accident. So pay close attention to what is causing the accident in your dream.

Did someone fall down the stairs? If so, then this could mean you have loose carpeting or a nail protruding on your staircase.

Dreams of accidents in the home could also signify you are in need of personal change. Sometimes this could mean the destruction of what you’ve built for so many years.

Dreaming of Accidents to Your Loved Ones

Now this is a hard one to recognize, but if you dream that someone you love or are close to dies, this could mean something within is no longer functioning properly. It could also be symbolic of your relationship with that particular person. Have you been fighting, or growing apart?

Maybe it’s time to let go of certain aspects of your relationship with that person and move on to other steps like replacing passion with more attention on love, stability and commitment.

Dreams of Accidents Taking Place at Sea

Are you having problems with someone you are close to? Or maybe a disappointing love life. Then you may have a dream about an accident that takes place at sea.

If water is overwhelming you, then it’s possible you are overwhelmed by emotions. If you find this to be true, then it may be time to take a look at your feelings and put them into better context.

Trying to save others from a ship wreck means you need to take a good look at the ones you’re trying to save in this dream. A step back if you will to determine what exactly these people mean to your life.

For instance if you’re trying to rescue a baby or small child in your dreams, then this could be a sign that you need to develop a certain aspect of you life better. Such as unconditional love or maybe excitement. Dealing with these things may help you cope with your emotional responses better in your waking life.

Dreaming of Someone Else Being in an Accident

This type of dream I kind of relate to pent-up aggression towards an individual. The individual may also be symbolic of a certain aspect of your own personality that you are trying to cope with.  But on the flip side, this could also signify that you’re having anxiety about the persons welfare in your dream.

Dream Meanings of a Car Crash

This is probably a very popular one, as I’ve heard many people having dreams like this. Dreams of car crashes are very common when dealing with your tensions about trying to get somewhere in life, or trying to accomplish your goals.

Maybe you are driving yourself a little too hard, or maybe you’re just a little too eager to get to the top.

Is the car in your dream suddenly spinning out of control and then crashing into a group of people? Then you may want to have your brakes checked or possibly your steering.

Or maybe your unconscious mind is trying to alert you to how recklessly you are living your life. Could it be that you are dangerously losing control of certain aspects of your life? Maybe you’re heading to a dead end because you’ve been living in the fast lane. Take note of who is hit during this dream so you’ll know who is going to be affected by your actions.

Dreams Involving a Plane Crash

Usually if you’re worried about over extending yourself, then you may encounter a dream involving a plane crash. This may have something to do with a certain project or maybe something at work. Even something like not being able to pay your bills can cause this sort of dream.

It’s also been common to have these sort of dreams if you’re worried about failing at something, maybe an exam at school, or a specific task or project you’ve taken on at work.

Train Crash Dreams

This kind of dream usually signifies you need to practice extreme caution where financial matters are concerned. It may also represent a stumbling block in your path if you’ve created an exaggerated sense of self-worth.

Dream Meanings of Minor Accidents

Dreaming of Something Falling from Above

If you see something in your dream hanging over you about to fall, this may imply a situation of possible danger to come. If the object actually falls and misses you, then maybe you’ve had a narrow escape from something in your life. If not, then maybe your unconscious mind is giving you a warning to be on the look out for potential danger.

Dreams of Breaking Things

Have you ever had a dream where you were breaking things? Maybe a window or a piece of furniture? This could indicate that there will be changes in your life coming soon. It may also mean that you want to change the direction your life is heading. So if your dream involves a car crash and you breaking things, then pay close attention to this concept.

If you are simply dropping or smashing things in your dream, this may mean you need to let go of something. Either a project, relationship or maybe even an idea you have.

The significance of what is actually being dropped or broken may help you discover what you’re trying to tell yourself.

If none of these scenarios apply to you, then maybe you are experiencing regret for something you let slip through your fingers.

Dreaming of Burning Things

Accidentally setting something on fire could suggest intense emotions or passionate feelings at play. This could also suggest that you are in desperate need of taking some time off to relax. Maybe you are due for a vacation.

Getting Cut in Your Dreams

Have you ever had a dream that you received a cut, this could suggest you’ve been let down or undervalued for something. If the cuts appear on your legs, then there is an imbalance or an inability to stand up for yourself.

If you are actually cutting yourself in your dream, then you are probably experiencing some overwhelming turmoil or issues in life. This is your unconscious mind trying to disassociate yourself from your discomfort or pain.

Dreams of Farting or Burping in Public

I know this all sounds funny, but it’s a very serious matter indeed. If you’ve accidentally farted or burped in public, then you’ve probably been passive-aggressive. This could mean you need to express your emotions in a more direct manner.

To Slip, Trip or Stumble in Your Dreams

If in your dream you’ve slipped of made a slip of the tongue, then maybe you’ve been doing thing that you really didn’t want to do, or possibly saying things that you didn’t mean.

If you’ve stumbled but didn’t fall, then you may have obstacles coming up in your life that you will conquer. If you actually do fall, then there are probably obstacles coming up that you will need to find a way around.

If you’re slipping or trying to traverse uphill to no avail, then you may of taken on more than you can handle and you’re in danger of falling back.

To trip or stumble in your dreams could mean something is out of control in your life. Something you need to deal with. Maybe things are not going as smoothly as you would like and you’re faced with some small obstacles. This could also indicate that your self esteem needs a boost.

Well I’m sorry this was such a long post, but I tried to compile it in as few of words as possible. But there are just so many great scenarios to cover for dream meanings and I wanted to try and give you as many examples as I could. So I hope you will be able to apply some of these to your own dreams and maybe help get a little more understanding of what you’re dreaming about.
Next week we will cover Action/Adventure dream meanings, but I feel we got a pretty good start on the series. If you’ve missed any of the previous posts on Dreams then you can find by clicking here –> Dreams Series

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115 thoughts on “Meanings for Having Accidents in Your Dreams
  1. I had a ddream about me my sister and my boyfriend was in the same car accident . My sister was driving and me and my bf was in the back seat . When we was turning to the right on the highway the care beside us hit us . Making our car fly the highway upside down . Then I woke up . Can u please tell me what does that mean ?!?!?

    1. Well I can’t say for certain what this may mean. But I can tell you that most of the time auto accidents may represent a destructive path, either dealing with your health or possibly the nature in which you live.

      Another theory, and I hope I don’t offend, but how does you sister feel about your relationship between you and your boyfriend. The reason I ask is because if she doesn’t think he’s right for you or is suggesting that y’all aren’t right for each other, then the auto accident could represent her causing destruction in your life, this would explain why she was driving during the accident.

      I may be wrong in my interpretation but hopefully this has helped in some way.

      Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your dream with us.

  2. Hello,

    In my dream I was in the car passenger of car when we get into an accident. I remember coughing blood and waking up in the hospital. I survive the accident. What has me intrigue is that the driver of the vehicle was someone who actually died in car crash. I met her through volunteer opportunity. I started working in the organization and I sit on her desk. What could this dream mean? I wanted to share it with someone.

    1. Thank you Jian for sharing, I know it can be hard sometimes to talk about these things.

      The first thought that came to mind when I read about your dream was possibly guilt ridden.

      If this person that died in the auto accident was a close friend or relative, then maybe you have some guilt sheltered deep inside. Often times we wish we could put ourselves in place of the loved one that died.

      But since you are sitting in her desk at the organization, then maybe you were experiencing a shadow of what it would be like to be her. It could also be your hearts way of telling you to feel grateful for life, as that could of just as easily been you in the accident.

      Again, thanks for sharing, I hope you can discover meaning in your dream, it will come to you when the time is right. I know it’s hard to remember dreams long after you’ve had them, but try to remember any other details that could represent meaning for you.

  3. Hey,

    This is a very informative post. Today i had a very bad dream of car crash and i got very worried.I’m a young girl and single. I belong to Pakistan and i consider myself to be very ambitious.


    I had a dream that i had been to a marriage and i’m wearing a very heavy gold set( It is the one that my mother has kept for my marriage) .We went as a family there. On our way back, my sister comments ( perhaps she has not seen me wearing ) that why did you wear that, dont u know the situation in the country .Its late better keep in the dashboard, as you go in the car.

    We went in the car and i did that. My brother is driving and is unusally driving very fast. I tell him to slow down but he doesn’t listen. On a flyover curve, the one facing a cliff. he rashly take a cut that make the car go out of control towards the cliff. I’m seated at the back with my mom . I got up and franatically make the steering go against the cliff side. The car momentary is on the road only to be rebounded a total 360 degree and down in the cliff. I last saw my brother on the road burning and we are getting down . Then the scene changes and i see my brother ( whom i saw catching fire , to be sitting beside me and i’m confused. He said , i think you are dead facing away from me and i saw u naked.
    Then i saw our souls( all family members) lifting up towards the sky. I start to cry that mummy what has happened. She says we are all dead. Next scene , i saw myself in white shroud ( being a muslim dead people are wrapped in a white shroud ) going towards somewhere .I ‘m the last and i start to panic why i’m last aint i going towards heaven. To my mum says no you are .

    In the end i fell pain in the stomach i ponder may be thats where i might have been hit. And the dream is over and i suddenly wakes up only to find bit of a pain in my stomach.

    I’m so afraid . what does this vivid dream means . I searched but i could not get the interpretation . Does this mean , I’m gonna die ?

    I will be grateful if you would reply soon

    best regards

    1. Hi Aisha, and thank you for posting your dream for me to read. It really is quite intense and from what you’ve wrote it sounds like it was quite vivid.

      Firstly let me start off by saying, let’s not think about dying in the physical sense. Yes dreams have been known to predict death, but I do not think this is the answer to your dream.

      We must remember that death may also represent the ending of things like relationships or friendships.

      But the things that stood out the most to me were the parts about the wedding dress you were wearing and you speaking with your mother.

      Are you planning to get married soon? If this is the case, then it sounds like you are having regrets about leaving your family, this would also explain why you were last in the line. That may represent you going your own way in life.

      I’m not sure how family ties work in your country, but it is quite customary here in the U.S. for people to take their own route in life once married and leaving home.

      This may also be significant if you are planning to move somewhere further away from your family. The only thing I can suggest is to make peace with growing up and know that your family will want the best for you and should be proud to see you going your own way and reaching your goals and dreams.

      This may be totally off base, but it is just the what my minds eye told me when reading your dream. Thanks again for the comment, I hope you find peace and happiness in all you do.

  4. lately I have been dreaming of me getting into vehicle accidents. One was when I was turning on a highway right next to a cliff. The speed limit I was going was to fast. I had no control when I the car was sliding and the car went off the cliff. I can see myself fall. I thought I survived. I got back up in the air than I woke up. The second dream I had was in my sister new vehicle and I have small kids with me. One of the kids did not have their sit belt on so I had the other kid put it on for the other kid. (I just know they were very young because re they needed car seats). When I turned to face the road I see this semi truck coming towards us and hits my sisters vehicle in between the drivers door and passenger door. We were at the hospital. For some reason I already felt guilty. I thought I was drinking and driving. (maybe I was so out of it I don’t know). The cops did not take me to jail and I was holding a baby on my hip. These dreams seem to real. I never had dreams of me getting in a vehicle accident. Not twice in a week. Never

    1. Patricia, thank you for commenting. I’ve really seen a lot of auto accident dreams in the last month, maybe it’s a world wide collective that is passing them around from one person to another, who knows.

      But in your case that is a classic dream of someone that may be taking life a little too fast. If you’ve had a lot of changes or moves in your life lately that could trigger a dream like this.

      Are you feeling guilt that maybe certain decisions you’ve made lately may be negatively effecting others around you?

      Are there any other details you can remember that may help explain this….It almost sounds as though the children that were present could be symbolic of something fragile or even represent growth.

  5. Hi Robert,

    I have been researching a dream I had this morning and came across your site.
    The dream seemed very real. It was dark. The roads were wet. There was a sharp curve to the right around the mountain rock. I was consciously going slow on the road because I was aware of the wet roads and the sharp curve. My car still slid from my lane across the other head-on lane and over the mountain cliff and the car was falling. I remember thinking about my family for a moment because I was sure I wouldn’t survive. I put my head on the seat of the car as it fell and I woke up. I am usually ok with my interpretations but this one has me stumped.

    Can you help?


    1. Hi Wendy and thanks so much for sharing your dream with us.

      I will do my best to lend you an interpretation for this dream, please remember anything I tell you is simply what my minds eye is telling me upon reading your dream. If my interpretation is not exactly relevant to your situation, then I apologize and I mean no offense by anything I say here.

      Normally dreams dealing with falls, especially off of mountains are significant with being careless in the waking life. When you combine this aspect with the slippery road it leads me to believe that you are dealing with some decision making opportunities that you may be fearful of.

      Is it possibly that a major decision has been left to you and you are in fear of your reputation being at risk, or maybe you’re afraid of making the wrong decision? Or have you already made a decision that wasn’t the right choice which is causing you to feel careless in your decision making skills.

      Falling off of mountains while dreaming may also be a sign of being tempted to give up on things in life. For example if you’ve been struggling on making the right decisions on a particular aspect of your life, maybe you are having feelings of giving up.

      I know this is a lot of things to ponder, but falling off of mountain dreams have also been related to someone fearing they are loosing control of their career in the waking life.

      I hope some of this information has helped you to better interpret your dream. Keep in mind the aspect that your family was involved in your mind, maybe the leading cause of this dream may directly effect family. Placing your head on the seat of the car is symbolic of giving up, so keep your head up and I feel you will make the right decisions with the best intentions in mind. 🙂

  6. Hi there, i had a dream last night that my mother in law died instantly in a car crash but she had hit a young child and killed them as well( i found this part out in my dream by watching the news on the tv with my parents and them saying she killed a young child in the crash). The dream was very vivid and it made me cry when i woke up, there were other significant parts the dream like seeing her stuff and the handbag which would have been with her in the crash i remember looking in the bag and finding her mobile phone which had a sat nav on the screen with what i think said A36 on it? i also remember looking out of the front door of my house and it was very dark but there was snow on the ground and someone was walking past and spoke to me but i couldnt see who it was or what they said i think they were just responding to me saying its so dark and i think it has snowed. My husband i remember having no emotion about his mother’s death and i can remember constantly thinking why are you not upset? his dad and brother were also in the dream and they also did not seem emotional, although i was crying in my dream because of it, it also made me feel slightly sick . Im completely baffled by this dream, and its one of those ones that i cant get out of my head and i still have the sicky feeling in my stomach even though i woke 3 hours ago.

    1. Hi cooper and thank you for sharing!

      Normally auto accidents involving the death of loved ones or children suggest being out of control. It seems to me that maybe you are fearing loosing the approval of you Mother in Law for whatever reason.

      The A36 is something you will have to compile yourself as seeing numbers or letters while dreaming normally do have great significance, but only you will be able to interpret their meaning. They may not be directly related to what you saw, for instance the letter A could stand for something that starts with the letter A or A may represent the first part of something. While the numbers may literally mean 36, or they may represent 3=C or 6=F as the letter or the alphabet corresponding with the number.

      Snow, water, mountains and other natural occurrences like these normally represent an obstacle in your life that you are having to get around. As for your husband’s emotionless attitude towards his mothers death, I truly believe this may be something you will uncover when you’ve put together these other pieces of the dream.

      I wish I could be more helpful, I do hope that some of these explanations will help you to find better meaning in your dream and will allow you to put it to rest.

      Wishing you the best -Robert

  7. please tell me the exact meaning of a dream where i have seen my brothers daughter met with an accident and had injuries ,but i have also seen that my brother had took her to the hospital and she is been treated by the doctor .also seen that her forhead and one arm is injured

    1. Hello Pournima, I’m not sure that I can give you an exact interpretation as all dreams are different and the information you’ve provided is somewhat lacking in detail. But I will say this…

      Sometimes dreams of loved ones being harmed can be symbolic of your fears that they are not being cared for properly. Is it possible that you don’t believe she is being given the proper care or attention that she needs? And maybe you are afraid she will be harmed maybe not physically but could be emotionally as well? Hopefully I’ve opened the door a little bit for you to where you may come to your own conclusion with this dream.

      Thanks for sharing by the way…

  8. Hello Robert , hope all is well… I just had a dream that has me unable to fall back asleep I thank you for your time you are taking out to read this I also thank you in advance if you are able to give me an interpretation…
    My dream starts of that I am cuddling with my ex, I then tell him I have to go so somewhere … As I am heading back my car is sliding all over the road like something is wrong with it I pull over a lady invites me in her home I stay a few minutes demanding I have to be on my way the lady looks very worried about me says good by an to be-careful… I get into car drive away car is uncontrollably all over the road THEN BOOM a car hits me head on I fly out the windshield but somehow I get out of the car stumbling to a group of people that seen the accident they look in disbelief an they are pointing a cross the street an they are shaking their heads in kind of a shocked way… I look across he street I see me laying on the side walk an My physical body is dead an laying there motionless but I’m looking at my own body laying on the side walk dead… I am so afraid of this dream an scrambling for reason of what it might mean… I would greatly appreciate if you can give me some insight or reassurance by interpretation that this dream is ok … Thank You…. I hope all is well an sweet dream 😉

    1. Hello Phillis and thanks for sharing your dream…

      These types of dreams may be quite overwhelming as they may appear to suggest many things. Of course our fist defensive conclusion is to assume the worst, that being a terrible wreck is in your future. But that may not be the case.

      My first intuition when reading your dream is that maybe you fear being apart from your ex is like a part of you dying. It sounds as though this “Ex” relationship may of put you on a destructive or careless path by being without this person. Of course I do not know all the details of your relationship, but it sounds as though maybe your physical attraction to this person and your emotional attraction may be conflicting.

      As always these are things you will have to figure out on your own. But hopefully I’ve helped to shed some bit of light on your dream. But to get to the main concern, I do not believe this dream is suggestive of you having a terrible accident.

      Wishing you the best….


  9. I keep having a recurring incident play out in my dreams. A car from out of nowhere starts driving into buildings, trees, etc.. The car often ends up upside down, and I always get a glimpse of the driver, often young, who is injured badly, and yet still smiling in a manic manner, and still trying to drive it into something else. The person is not anyone I know, and I do not get touched by the accident. This has been going on for about a month.

    1. Hi Billy and thanks for sharing your dream…

      I’m not entirely certain what this dream may mean, although normally dreams involving wreckless driving and accidents are symbolic of living on the edge or on the wild side so to speak. Considering that you are on the outside looking in on these occurrences rather than being directly involved may suggest that you are basically reviewing yourself as you were when younger. If you were a bit of a wild child when younger then maybe there is something you wish you could change about your past and it is haunting your dreams. Seeing how the driver is a younger person, it kind of makes sense to me. But only you can deduce the true meaning behind your dreams. Just pay close attention to all the elements that are present and look for landmarks or possibly other faces that you may know to find the proper representation. Hope this helps, I know recurring dreams can be a bit annoying, I wish you the best!

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