Daily Thoughts

Getting Ready for the Big Garage Sale

Garage Sale
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic LicensePhoto by  Parker Knight

OMG, I finally got through digging around in the garage trying to get everything ready for our sale in the morning. Have you ever had a garage sale before? Aren’t they a pain in the back side?
I’m tellin’ ya, we’re getting ready to be moving to another house like we discussed in my post Moving, What a Pain in the Arse. So the most logical step is to have a garage sale, this is especially important in Eliminating Clutter and Organizing Your Living Space so that you move is less of a hassle.
For the last week or so we’ve been going through every single nook and cranny pulling out stuff that we haven’t seen in over 20 years! The way I look at it, if you haven’t seen something in that long and you haven’t missed not being able to use the item, then why not just sell it and get it out of your way?
Not only will having this garage sale help to decrease the amount of stuff we have to move and re-store. But it can help to generate a little extra income to help pay for the moving truck and crew that it’s going to take to get us into the new house.
So right now it’s 11:10pm and I’m going to jump into the shower and get ready to get some sleep. Then I’ll be right back up at 6:00am getting my coffee in hand and get my self prepared to open the garage doors at 8:00am sharp!
I’m sorry for not bringing more bizarre and interesting content to you guys this week, but this whole move thing has really distracted me from my normal posting routine. But bare with me, things will be back to normal soon enough. The 15th is the final day when we hope to be moving into our new home, so wish us luck. We need all the support we can get to help us though all this mess.
I just wanted to update everyone on what’s been going on in the Tuttle household, so stay tuned. Tomorrow I’m going to drop the next post in my dream series on you all. We’ll be covering some more cool dream scenarios for those of you that have been following it.
So take care everyone and leave me some comments about your deadly garage sale experiences. 😀


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12 thoughts on “Getting Ready for the Big Garage Sale
    1. Oh man Evan, it was a total bomb! We only made $100. I think it was due to our location, we’re kind of hard to find back here and we didn’t get enough signs put up I’m thinking. Oh well, looks like it’s time to do some donating! 🙂

      1. Donating is always a great thing. Plus it can help balance out your karma.

        1. I definitely agree with that one. We donated about 20 boxes full of stuff and several loose items. It feels good to get rid of the stuff especially knowing someone will get some use out of it.

    1. Thanks Ashutosh, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Garage sales are quite a pain the the back side. This one really wasn’t worth the hard work.

  1. It’s almost that time of year for garage sales to start! (in the mid west anyway) You can find such great stuff with the right eye.

  2. I’ve done some garage sale December last year. It was really fun but a bit exhausting especially when you have to move all the stuffs and you have to do it all alone. Gosh! really undesirable. But the whole experience was amazing, I cleared up my space, earn something and be able to buy something new for the coming new year, which is undeniably very rewarding for me.

    1. Yah unfortunately our garage sale was not quite as rewarding. We didn’t come out making very much or getting rid of much. But in the end we wound up donating over 20 boxes of stuff to Christians in Action. So at least the things we no longer need will go to help those in need.

  3. Robert I liked your article on garage sales. When we are not hiking we are out garage selling on the weekends.

    1. Oh yes, I love going to garage sales, you never know what kind of treasures you may find. But when it comes to opening a garage sale myself, I have a bit of animosity towards it…lol

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