Odd News

Woman Stabbed to Pieces by Dunkin’ Donuts Croissant


Photo by [kconnors] morgueFile

Wow, now that’s an intense headline isn’t it! It has been reported that the first week of December for Priscilla Salas of Windham, Connecticut was a frightening start to this jolly month of the year.

Salas normally made her way by the local Dunkin’ Donuts practically every day to enjoy her favorite croissant, but this day was shockingly different! According to Priscilla Salas that first bite was a deadly one of which she will never forget.

Razor Blade Croissant

As she bit into her delectable croissant she felt some sort of sharp metal object stabbing away at the inside of her mouth. Of course she was bizarrely astonished as she knew what it felt like and she was right. Upon excavating the bite from her mouth she discovered metal shards almost a quarter of an inch long covered in that delicious treat.

Of course she immediately freaked out and called the authorities and the Dunkin’ Donuts corporate headquarters to initiate her displeasure in that particular dining experience. According to the donut shop’s home office they believed it may be pieces of a box knife that found it’s way “accidentally” into the frozen croissant via their distribution center.

Retribution for the Croissant that Bites Back

So now what happens? Of course Dunkin’ Donuts has every intention of finding the exact source for the razor blade croissant, but you and I both know that it would be almost impossible to trace at this point. This is a huge concern considering the massive amount of folks that eat there on a daily basis.

We used to have a D.D. here in my town, but luckily there are no Dunkin’ Donuts locations in this town anymore, hopefully not for reason of slicing someone to pieces with a razor blade. The donut giant stated this is most definitely an isolated incident and they’re investigation will most certainly continue until they can assure the public it will never happen again. Luckily she wasn’t badly injured after eating the razor filled pastry.

Of course for Priscilla Salas taking the initiative in being the razor blade guinea pig she was awarded a gift card for her trouble! Woo-Hoo Her main concern was not with getting compensated, but the safety of others.

Whether it be Dunkin’ Donuts or any other food restaurant chain, this is a big reminder to be aware of what you’re putting in your mouth.

Anyone experience a similar situation while dining?

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