Why Wednesday has to Suffer?
This is something I was thinking about and I’ll tell you why. I’m not certain about other days of the week, but it’s said that approximately one-sixth of our lifetime will be spent on Wednesdays. So what happened to the 7th day?
Now considering that there are 7 days in a week doesn’t it make sense that any one of those days would be one-seventh of the week? Some folks believe this may be due to religious aspects saying Sundays are excluded. Others say maybe it’s taking into account that you probably weren’t born on the starting day of the week. This is quite baffling and really doesn’t make sense, but it’s well documented that we’re supposed to spend one-sixth of our lifetime on Wednesday.
Some also believe that since the earth’s rotation varies through out the days that this could be the reason, maybe it’s not based on an actual calendar but more off of days created by the universe. You could go crazy trying to figure this one out, but if anyone has any light to shed on the subject, please feel free to do so.
Interesting….also if you take 365 days as 1 year, divide that by 7, you will get 52 weeks, but you will have 1/7 of a week left over..what happens to that? LOL
Thanks for the input BJ, from that interesting tid bit sounds like we may be one step closer to discovering what happened to that 7th day of the week. 🙂
Well we’ve all heard Wednesday called “hump day” so maybe because half of Wednesday is spent going up the hill and the other half you’re sliding down it, it can’t be counted as a full day. Lol!!!
I’m also certain leap year plays a part in this puzzle.
A-ha! Now we’re getting somewhere, I never even thought of that as a possibility, but it makes perfect sense.