Lucid dreaming is often a thrilling time for many people, but they may not know if it’s possible to manipulate your dreams. What are the benefits of lucid dreaming? Will you be able to fly or have other superpowers while in this state? We will explore this topic more, from what lucid dreaming is to how it may be possible in humans.
Manipulating your dreams with lucid dreaming is in fact possible. Lucid dreaming is a phenomenon that occurs when the brain enters REM sleep and becomes aware of its dream state. It can happen spontaneously, but it can also be induced by various methods. This dream state is when a person knows they are dreaming and has total control over their dream.
The first part of this article focused on what lucid dreams are for those unfamiliar with the subject matter. The second section will explore what potential implications there are for understanding our own minds better through lucid dreaming. As well as some of the research behind why humans might have evolved to have these types of dreams. Finally, we’ll end by examining some things that you can do if you want to start having lucid dreams- whether you’re curious or just looking for ways to enhance your mental health through mindful practice.
How Can Lucid Dreaming Help You?
Being consciously aware during one’s dream and having control over what happens next can also mean that any issues from the waking life might surface when we’re asleep. This could lead some people right back into therapy sessions with their therapist!
Ever had a dream that was just about to get hot and heavy with your perfect partner but before it could happen, you woke up? Well one psychologist, Alan Worsley, found the key to controlling his dreams by way of lucid dreaming. Lucid Dreaming allows someone to consciously interact with their own mind while they are asleep in order for them to not only have conscious awareness during sleep, but also be able to control what happens in the dream world too.
Dreaming is one of the most mysterious and interesting parts of our lives, but how much do you know about lucid dreaming? In a lucid dream you are aware that you are dreaming. You can manipulate your surroundings and even have conversations with people in your dreams. Lucid dreaming has been around for years, but what does it mean for science?
Being able to have such control over your dreams may lead to a deeper discovery about yourself. This could be very helpful in the waking life. Possibly to aid in decision making, self discovery or even what path to take in life. Some believe it would just be fun to have this ability, however I see it more as a “life tool”.
Who is Alan Worsley?
Alan Worsley, a psychologist of St. Thomas Hospital in London, claims to be ready to manipulate his dreams as easily as snapping his fingers. While dreaming, Worsley has created fantasies of soaring through the air and having the ability to pass a knife through his wrists without even one scratch.
He has become so good at the manipulation of his dreams that he can even outline specific tasks he would really like to attain during his dreams and then they will happen. He has been tested on his claims by having electrodes attached, confirming he’s in a deep dream state, but remains ready to perform actions like counting things, moving of his arms and legs, or perhaps even speaking aloud while dreaming.
What is Lucid Dreaming? – The Experiments
Lucid dreams are those where the dreamer realizes they’re in a dream state while it’s happening – this means they can control their own actions within the dream.
So how does Alan Worsley fit into all this you may ask? Well, Worsley had a series of tests performed on him by scientists while he was in a dream state and the findings were quite remarkable! Here is what they discovered and how they went about the experiments…
Scientists were able to prove his ability to react to outside stimulus by sending small electrical shocks to his body while he remained in a state of dreaming. After receiving these electrical shocks, Worsley was able to respond by giving the scientists a small predetermined signal. Which was five rapid eye movements. This experiment confirmed the world of lucid dreaming is in fact possible.
I know this is a little hard to understand, but Worsley and the scientists arranged that when Worsley felt this electrical shock, he was to give them the signal showing that he felt it. Keep in mind that when the experiment took place, electrode monitoring of his brain showed him to be in the dream state of sleep. But by being able to react with the predetermined signal while dreaming showed that he was fully aware of his surroundings.
I don’t know about you, but while I’m asleep and dreaming, I don’t normally know to react to outside stimulus on demand. This may happen in some small ways, but it’s very rarely controllable. If you want more detailed information about these experiments, check out this Science Notes 2006 article written by Chandra Shekar from the University of Southern California.
How Can Controlled Dreams be Applied?
There are many various applications possible with controlled dreaming. As an example, another dream researcher from Stanford University in Palo Alto trained himself to make sure he wouldn’t awaken while having nightmares. He actually wakes up within the dream instead of waking from it. This has allowed him to truly face his fears that are encountered while dreaming. That sort of goes against the idea that you will simply awaken right before the terrible happens. This will also prevent the dreaded recurring nightmare syndrome.
He also acknowledged that our dreams are a compilation of our complete knowledge and experiences gained within the waking life. Suggesting that when dreaming we could also be ready to give complete and accurate descriptions of individuals we encounter, like eye color, height, weight etc. But if we were asked to do this in the waking life, we rarely remember all these details.
So how is all this beneficial or does it have any practical application? Lucid dreaming, that we may control, would give us the power to tap into hidden areas of the mind and find great knowledge and insight for daily problem solving and emotional repair. Because lucid dreaming would give us total insight into each aspect of the matter at hand, nothing would go unnoticed.
One great example of lucid dreaming, was when Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev used knowledge from his dream to discover the periodic table of elements. But let’s keep in mind that there are many other scientists, inventors, authors, medical professionals and psychologists that have used information found in their dreams to complete major projects that have changed life for the common man as we know it.
How Do I Perfect Lucid Dreaming?
So you’re probably thinking, “Hey, I want to dream like that too”, and I wish for this as well. But according to my research, lucid dreaming at this level is possible, but it takes years of dedication, discipline and meditation to perfect. But it is quite achievable if you just dedicate yourself to the goal. There are many exercises and habits you can focus on to begin your path toward lucid dreaming and the ability to manipulate your dreams. In fact there are so many that I won’t try to list them all in this already long post. However I do have an excellent resource called Program your Mind for Dream Recall that is full of tips that will help.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this article, and I wish you all the best of luck in achieving your journey toward Lucid Dreaming. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my Dream Series…It’s loaded with a lot of great resources about dreams as well as their interpretations. And don’t forget, this is an ongoing series so be on the look out for future goodies!