
Itching Palms and Other Body Parts, What Does it Mean?

Scratching Palm with Money
This photo was taken by me, Robert Tuttle, of my hands Dec. 2012

Me and a girl I work with were talking about this today. She was standing there scratching her hands and I said, “Oh, you must be coming into some money.” Funny thing is, today is payday, so there was a little truth to that. Anyway, she said, “hey, that would be a cool topic for your blog”, so I went with it.  I’ve done some research on a few of these myths and wanted to share what I’ve come up with. There are many other body parts that have associated itching myths. Some are pretty cool, some not so cool, either way the research was a lot of fun! Let’s go over just a few of the more popular ones…

The Myth of Itching Palms

There are many superstitions and myths about scratching different areas of your body. I believe the one about your palms itching says, “if your right palm is itching then you’ll be receiving some money.” Part of that myth also states that you shouldn’t scratch your palm if it’s itching or you may keep the money from coming. But on the other side of that, if your left palm is itching, that means you’ll be paying someone else some money. So you may want to scratch the heck out of that one!

Now I’ve had several occasions where my hands or palms were itching and I’ve never had any money come of it. But of course it never says how long you have to wait for your prize, maybe I just haven’t gotten it yet. But if you look at it that way, then that kind of defeats the purpose of the superstition, don’t ya think?

The Myth of Itching Feet

There is a similar superstition that has to do with your feet. They say if your feet are itching that means you can’t sit still. Others say it’s a sign that you’ll be traveling soon, or taking a great journey. It seems to have a similar meaning as the hands in relation to the left foot versus the right foot. According to legend if your right foot is itching then your journey will lead you to a place in which you’ll be welcomed. In contrast the left foot would lead you on a journey that wouldn’t have a very good ending.

It’s also said that itching feet may have something to do with sorrow. Some believe that it’s a sign you’re going to get new shoes, and breaking in those shoes may cause you some sorrow. There seems to be more confusion about the itching feet than anything, as I’ve found several different meanings. One even says that it could either be a sign someone in your family is going to die or that someone may be talking about you while your walking. Those are some pretty unrelated thoughts on the subject. I’m thinking it may have something to do with where people are in the world. As different cultures always find different meanings in stuff like this.

The Myth of Itching Ears

Here’s one most of us have probably heard of, the itching ears. One pretty cool saying I found for this was “an itching left ear is a sign of love, while an itching right ear is for spite.” Supposedly if your ears are itching, no matter which one, it means someone is talking about you. I’ve also heard it put as, if your ears are burning, then someone’s talking about you.

But I’ve researched this further to find that if your left ear is itching it means either someone you love is talking about you, or who ever is talking about you is saying something nice. Then the right ear itching is just the opposite. This means someone your feuding with is talking about you, or they’re saying something bad about you. If your right ear is itching, you should lick your finger and wipe it on your ear lobe. Then who ever is talking bad about you will bite their own tongue! Now that’s pretty cool, this one gives you a way to back fire it on who ever is talking trash.

The Myth of an Itching Nose

Now this one really has no good side to it as far as I can tell. They say if your nose is itching then that means you’re going to kiss a fool. I’ve also heard that this could be a sign you are going to get into a fight with someone. Other legends say, if your nose is itching you may be annoyed or cursed soon.

Small Child Scratching Her Nose
Photo by [David Castillo Dominici]

One extremely odd thing I’ve read about is, an itchy nose means you will come in contact with someone that has a hole in their britches. Now what in the world is this all about? These days the way all the kids are running around with those beat up blue jeans with holes all in them, you’ll be lucky if your nose ever stops itching.

I don’t really know why the nose would get such a bad rap. But that poor ole thing can’t catch a break. Every superstition I’ve found has something to do with an itchy nose being a bad thing. So I’m thinking it’s best to ignore your nose all together. Maybe keep it blown out real good and keep some lotion on it. What ever it takes to keep that dude from itching! Apparently nothing good can come of it. Personally I think if your nose is itching, then the best reaction should be to grab a tissue!

So as you can see by reading this post, you may want to pay a little closer attention to your goodies if they’re itching. You may miss out on a good thing if you’re not careful. There’s actually a ton of different superstitions for this type of thing. Pretty much a scratch for every itch. There’s a pretty cool list of The Meaning of Itches and their Omens that I found, it’s quite interesting if you wanna check it out.

I live in the United States, but I believe to some people these superstitions may be reversed. For instance the itching palm, where the right is paying money and the left is receiving. So for any of you from other countries, if you could clarify this for me that would be great. Also, if any of you have heard any other meanings for some of these or have some other superstitions that you find interesting, then share them with us by leaving a comment below. I can’t wait to check out what y’all come up with.

Oh, and by the way, if superstitions are your thing, then we’ve got a bunch of other great superstitions you may want to check out.

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273 thoughts on “Itching Palms and Other Body Parts, What Does it Mean?
  1. itching palms is related to money it’s right,my grandmother tell it about and iitching ear is someone talking about you it’s also right your post is supreb,i am belive in itching palms becoz it’s happen for me many time.thanks

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post Suresh. That’s great that you and your grandmother discuss such things…Passing these superstitions down through the generations is what keeps them alive! Thanks for the comment.

  2. GREAT article. Perhaps hope makes it all possible. I am wondering, what part of the body should itch to find love?

    1. Hi Donna!

      Thanks so much for stopping by and to answer your question, I have updated at the bottom of this post with a great link that should be able to answer all your questions about Itching superstitions and how they may apply to love. Hope this helps!

    2. I have a response… It’s now 1030pm in VA this July 26th… I was lying here perusing, when my nose got the worst itch. I kid you not, literally & figuratively, that only moments later I recv’d a text from my son letting me know that he’d be by tomorrow to visit & do his laundry. Because my nose was itching, shortly afterwards, I googled “nose itch meaning” & it led me to your post & this comment/reply… so how’s that for uncanny… & a wee bit freaky 🙂

      1. Hi Susan, I’m glad you found your way to my blog. Apparently the itching superstition has gained a pretty strong reputation for having merit. Guess our bodies always try to tell us something in subtle ways, I bet your sons feet were itching before he texted you too…lol

        Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

  3. Ive heard if your nose itches some one is coming to see you. Not sure if there is any truth to this.

    1. Not sure about that one Cindy. I’ve read that some folks believe that variety of the itching superstitions.

      I’ve also read that if a knife drops and man will be coming to see you and if a fork drops then a woman will be coming. There’s so many varieties of all these superstitions, I think it kind of depends on your culture and geographic location as to which version may apply.

    1. Unfortunately Jim, there isn’t much information concerning itching balls. But…

      If your balls are itching, you either have a fungal infection, or you need to change your underwear!

  4. I believe the itchy palm…whenever my right itches I get money, left in lose some (bills, unexpected expenses etc). However lately my right and left have been itching, any superstitions about both palms itching or both feet?

    1. Hi Michelle,

      From what I’ve gathered, when both palms or both feet are itching, people tend to lean more toward the positive outcome. I think that’s just human nature to do so… But many people believe that if both are itching, then the left objective will be nullified and the right objective amplified.

      What I mean by that is normally the right side is associated with positive results in these supersitions. So if both itch, then the left (or negative) side is canceled out and you will get an even more powerful positive stroke of good luck from what ever the right side brings. In the case of hands, you would get even more money than you normally would if just the right palm alone was itching.

      I certainly hope there is truth to this belief, best of luck to you in your itching endeavors.

  5. I this superstition you researched and post believed as true superstition where I’m from. My family is the most superstition people around. We are from Marksville,Louisiana and its alot more that they believe. I’ll give you a few such as, IF YOU SWEEP YOUR FEET WITH THE BROOM MEANS YOUR GOING TO JAIL, BUT IF YOU SPIT ON IT AFTERWARDS YOU WON’T GO. ARE IF YOU DROP A DISH TOWEL YOU WILL HAVE COMPANY. ARE IF YOU DROP A CUP IN THE KITCHEN SOMEONE WILL BE GOING SOMEWHERE WHERE THEY WILL BE MUCH HAPPIER. It’s so much more but just for a few there you go. If you would like to here more from where I’m from and are beliefs in superstition I would be more than happy to give you some. My e-mail

    1. Wow, thanks so much Robyn for sharing those family superstitions with us. I love superstitions, I think they’re fascinating and it’s so neat how many are indigenous to certain areas or regions. I would be quite interested to hear more of your local superstitions, I have your email left from the comment form and will check in with you on the subject. Thanks again!

  6. Your nose itching means that you will either see or hear form someone you haven’t heard from in a long time. Left eye itching someone will make you happy right eye some one will make you mad.

    1. Very cool Ysena, I’ve not heard the ones about an itching eye, thanks for adding that to the discussion!

  7. Okay so I understand the left and right palm itching but maybe somebody need to do research on what it means when the top of your left hand itchs. The top of mine was itching before work and I lost my job. It would be nice if there was some kind of meaning

    1. You know Kaci, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a superstition that goes along with the tops of your hands. I’m not familiar with what they may be, but that’s what’s great about these things, if there’s not a superstitions affiliated with what you’re suggesting, then maybe you could start a trend!

  8. I was taught an itchy nose means company is coming. I woke from a dead sleep one night, scratching my nose, and told my roommate company was coming. Her and her boyfriend looked at me like I was crazy. Five minutes later there was a knock at the door.

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