What is a Clone?
Cloning is a scientific procedure that’s implemented for the sole purpose of making a more or less exact copy of the original person or object. Technically, the idea of creating a clone just for a person’s own purposes isn’t quite frowned upon. Cloning is important to medical science because of the possibilities as well as the realities of the things that aren’t even physically possible to achieve on one’s own. For example, a person whose on the brink of death from a disease can live again through cloning and be completely rid of that disease.
Points of View on Cloning
Cloning and Medical Science
Cloning is important to those in medical science because through cloning, a lot of bodily problems that exist within human beings today can be eliminated for good. Also, creating a clone of the person can enable an individual to practically live forever. The idea of cloning in medical science is a reality, however, there are drawbacks that usually arise during the cloning process. For example, the clone of a person’s partner can have a limited lifespan; by that I mean that the clone only lives a minimum of 10 years unlike the original copy which will live longer.
Religion vs. cloning
A lot of religious sects, especially the christian religion, don’t believe that cloning is possible or even ethical. The reason is because people in the religious world believe that cloning goes against God’s grand design. Generally, religion teaches that everybody is individual as God made them, so the idea that a person can be cloned or copied is immoral and wrong; even going so far as to say that people in the medical science field who are working on the cloning process are going to hell.
Ironically, a lot of people in religious sects are always saying how much they miss their loved ones, and wish that they can see them again. However, it is through cloning that this is possible, but frowned upon. Simply, according to some of the religious sects, playing God is illegal and man wasn’t meant to be a creator but a follower of the creator’s works.
Now, some religions don’t mind cloning as long as it’s done for the right reason, and in the right way. In the jewish faith, cloning isn’t look down upon, and its even supported. Since cloning in the jewish religion doesn’t violate any laws, then there’s no reason to look at it as devil worship, blasphemy or playing God. Cloning is capable of making a perfect human being that’s completely pure in every way, but religion believes that a clone devalues human life and God’s gift of life.
Some religions believe that cloning a person practically promotes them to godlike status. So this seems that they’ve become gods themselves, which goes against what the bible teaches. Plus, a lot of religions are ignorant to scientific works so its not surprising there’s some opposition.
In conclusion, cloning can solve a lot of problems with the inefficiencies in human beings, but it can also lead to short term problems and a lot of experiments to solve those problems. Cloning should be studied, and funded as well as perfected. Mainly because its one of the most revolutionary procedures in human existence that’s capable of helping all mankind.
Let me know how you feel about cloning. Do you feel it’s sacrilegious or do you feel it’s important to medical science?
Hi Robert, I believe that cloning is not immoral nor sacrilegious, religion is a very subjective topic and every person has a different point of view about it. From medical standpoint I think cloning is Ok if it’s used to replicate organs or body-parts to save humans lifes, however if you create a clon of Robert, let’s name him Robert2, Robert and Robert2 are not the same person, I mean Robert2 has different thoughts and feelings than original Robert, so Robert2 has the same rights to live as any other person on this earth. Regards. 🙂
Very interesting, I think stem cell research has gone a long way in accomplishing what you’re talking about. As far as reproducing human organs for transplants. This can really save a lot of precious time when it come to people needing a new organ quickly, and especially one that is compatible.
I don’t know that clone research is quite tuned enough to produce such a complex version of an entire functioning human, but when it is I wonder if it would be an expensive procedure that the public could request. Maybe it would fall under an elective type procedure.
But I do agree that a cloned brain would not be capable of bringing with it all the thoughts and feelings of it’s original. Would be quite interesting.
Only God can breathe life into someone and these scientists are not God, and no, these cloned people will not have souls. They will be man made, not God made! God says for he even knew us in our mother’s womb. I’m not so religious person as you may think because I mentioned God 3 times in this comment, just I really don’t understand the idea of cloning..
I hear you Evan. Even though it’s a fascinating concept, the Earth wasn’t made with enough room for us to create man. I’m a firm believer that the gift of life should be left to our creator. I honestly do not thing God would allow us to create a perfect clone, it’s just not meant to be in my opinion.
Hello robert,
Thanks a lot for compilation and time and effort put on this article.
As a new reader of your blog I am loving each and every moment spent on it over past 2 days.
One of my favourite blogs now.
Well thank you Mohanraj, I appreciate that you’re following the blog and enjoying it. I plan to continue in providing interesting and unusual content for my readers.
I agree with you Mohanraj, this site is soon becoming one of my favorite sites on the web! Thanks Robert!!
Thank you, I’m glad you are enjoying the site. I’ll be back to my normal posting schedule after our move is completed. 🙂 2 more days!
yeah now i know what the clone people are. thanx for sharing
You’re quite welcome, thank you for stopping by!
Mah pleasure Robert you’r sharing important info.
Cloning animals and other living things doesn’t seem to be bad. But cloning humans is not so good. If you clone yourself so that you can get spare body parts, do you think your clone will agree with you? Of course not. That clone of yours will have a mind of its own. And who would want to be some body parts to someone else. Well except for some isolated cases. there might be some
That’s a very interesting concept on how to battle yourself for spare parts.
I suppose they wouldn’t know they were a clone, so maybe it could backfire and they would try to get spare parts from you instead.
Thanks for the interesting comment!
Robert, have you seen the movie, The Island (2005) with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson?
They realize that when they win the lottery and are removed from their underground existence, that really their original counterparts need organs. They are really just clones of the original.
The real question is: Should clones be treated as human beings or just used to harvest body parts?
I think they should be treated as human beings.
Hi Zeke!
I have not seen the movie, but it sounds like something I may need to check out. I think if we’re going to make clones or replicas of human beings that have their own thoughts and feelings, then they should be entitles to the same rights as everyone else. Just my opinion, I’m sure many like yourself will agree.