On the day of your wedding, whether it rains or not is a superstition that many people hold true. Some believe rain on your wedding day is bad luck because it will make for a wet and soggy ceremony, while others believe it to bring good luck because rain is seen as cleansing.
The superstition of it raining on your wedding day is one that many people have heard about, but not everyone knows the reason behind it. The belief is that if it rains on your special day, then you will be blessed with good luck and a long happy marriage. However, some believe that if it rains on your wedding day, then you will only experience bad luck for the rest of your life. These superstitions are prevalent in both Western cultures and Eastern cultures alike!
The origin of this superstition dates back centuries ago when marriage was considered both a religious and social event. Mentioning any type of inauspicious weather during these events would have been seen as blasphemy against God. In ancient times, there were many rituals done before and after weddings to ward off any bad omens from happening on that special day.
Why is Rain on Your Wedding Day Bad Luck?
Some people believe if it rains on your wedding day, this may be a sign of back luck to come. Some superstitions say that if it rains on your wedding day, then you will experience bad luck for the rest of your life.
Rain on your wedding day is also considered a bad omen for the marriage. Some people believe that rain on your wedding day is a sign of an unhappy life with many storms ahead for you, and/or problems in communication or arguments, which may lead to divorce later down the road.
Rain on your wedding day is also said to be a sign of bad luck if it falls during any part (even just one hour) before noon. This is because rain at this time means that there will likely be more rainfall throughout the entire calendar-year — which may lead some people to believe they are doomed for an unhappy life.
Why is Rain on Your Wedding Day Good Luck?
If it rains on your wedding day, after noon time, then people believe that rain is a sign of good luck and happiness for the marriage. This means there will be more rainfall throughout the entire calendar-year — which may lead some to think they are destined with a happy future together as husband & wife!
Good luck is also sure to come if it rains on your wedding day because it is a sign of fertility and abundance. Rain on your wedding day means that the couple will have many children, which brings joy to their marriage — as well as happiness for them in old age because they’ll be surrounded by grandchildren!
It also symbolizes prosperity from all aspects: materialistic (money), emotional/mental health & wellbeing, and spiritual. So it may be a good idea to schedule your wedding for some time after noon just in case a rain storm may be headed your way!
14 Superstitions about Rain
Rain superstitions are not just centered around happy or social events. There are many other superstitions about rain that exist. I’ve added a nice little list below that you may find interesting!
- If it rains on St. Swithin’s Day (July 15) then it will be followed by 40 days of consecutive rain.
- Rain coming on St. Paul’s Day (Jan 25) will mean poor supplies of corn for the season.
- Receiving rain on Easter means that the grass will be nice and lush later in the year. However Hay will be scarce.
- A St. Peter’s Day (June 29) rain signifies a good apple crop is on the way. This is because the saints have sent water for the apple orchards.
- If it rains on St. Mary Magdalen’s Day (July 22) then the saints are washing her handkerchief so as to be ready to weep on St. James’s Day (July 25).
- In Europe, statues of the saints would be dipped in lakes and rivers in order to bring rain during a drought.
- Getting a German band to play outside or stepping on a beetle or ant is said to bring rain as well.
- Getting a first-born child to stand on his head in the nude will cause the rain to stop.
- You can also get the rain to stop by chanting: “Rain, rain go away, Come again another day.”
- Rain water collected on Ascension Day is believed to have great healing properties. But the rain must not touch the trees, ground or rooftops.
- The Welsh believe if you bathe a baby in rainwater, then it will learn to speak at an earlier age than normal.
- If you want your money to never be stolen, then wash it in rainwater.
- Germans believe making love while it’s raining will produce a girl.
- However making love while it is not raining will produce a boy.
Rain on Your Wedding Day, The Conclusion
So as you can see there are many superstitions about rain from many different cultures. But if you’re concerned about whether rain is good or bad luck for a wedding, remember, it is purely a superstition. It can’t bring any more luck or less luck than your engagement was in the first place!
However, for those of you who believe in superstitions, I would definitely consider taking a look at other aspects in your life in order to determine whether the rain may be good or bad luck for your circumstance.