
Interpreting Dreams of Crime and Violent Acts

Dreams of Crime and Violent Acts
Photo by [Victor Habbick] FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Welcome back to the Dream Series here on Odd Random Thoughts. I know, I know, it’s been entirely too long since I added a post to this series on dreams, so I thought you all deserved an update. This series has done extremely well and had a lot of participation in the comments section, so I think we need to keep things rolling.

Dreams are so fascinating and they come in so many different shapes and sizes. Everyone has their very own way of producing these mind played dramas within their own mind and I have an excellent time hearing from all of you when you feel the need to share your dreams with us.

Perhaps you are looking for an interpretation from the minds eye of someone else, I try my best to help with this when someone is seeking advice on their dreams, so feel free to take advantage of the comments for this purpose.

So, to cut to the chase let me introduce this next post in the dream series… We are going to cover dreams that involve what are known as Bad Deeds! Yep that’s right, we all have a little bad side to us whether it’s in real life or if we choose to let this side of us slip out while dreaming.

To be more specific I’m talking about Interpreting Dreams of Crime and Violent Acts. These are most certainly some of the more disturbing of dreams, but let’s face it…these types of dreams do sometimes occur. So what do they mean, and what are we trying to tell ourselves. Without further adieu, let’s get straight to the good stuff.

What do Dreams about Crime and Acts of Violence Mean?

Most experts will tell you that anytime you dream of committing a crime or act of violence this is normally a reflection of your inner feelings acting out. For instance a negative type action in your dream will usually symbolize the darker side of your human nature, you may also choose to call this your shadow side.

This shadow side is basically a culmination of all the things you have been repressing or denying, this is often times the side of you that you do not wish to believe is there. But as I stated earlier, it’s there whether you like it or not, it’s just human nature. But it’s most certainly better to let this side of you show itself while dreaming than in the waking life, wouldn’t you agree?

When you dream of these darker sided things, it is your minds way of telling you to release and to bring these things to the open part of your mind, this way the repression may subside and it won’t effect you as much in your daily living.

Dreams that involve violence may also reveal feelings about yourself or others around you that you have contact with in waking life. As always it’s very important to pay close attention to the little details concerning the violent acts if you are to apply it to your life which will help you better understand and interpret these dreams.

But there is good hope for these types of dreams, they are very seldom predictive of things that may happen in real life, so there’s not much worry that you will commit these offenses while awake.

But there is one exception, recurring dreams of committing the act of rape may suggest extreme violent tendencies and these feelings could possibly carry over in your waking life. If you are having recurring dream like this, then I suggest strongly you seek some professional help before it’s too late.

Anyway, with all that said and done, let’s go over some specific dream scenarios and discuss what they may mean.

Common Interpretations for Dreams of Crime

Committing Acts of Deception While Dreaming

If while dreaming you find yourself lying or cheating, or even if you hear someone else doing this, it may be an indication of guilty feelings or maybe you feel you’ve not been honest in the waking life. This may also be an indicator that you feel someone else has been this way towards you. Recurring instances of this type of dream may suggest you have been living a lie in real life and it’s time to be honest with yourself.

This type of message may also be delivered to you in the form of a dream involving stealing, forgery, fraud and even blackmail. On the other hand, if you aren’t really the one committing the awful acts, but you witness someone else doing these things, then it could be because you are feeling guilt for witness something wrong in the waking life and you’ve chosen to ignore it.

If any of these scenarios are being inflicted upon you by someone else in a dream, then ask yourself one simple question, “Who has done me wrong in waking life”. As this may be a sign someone has intentionally done you wrong in real life and you may not of noticed.

Dreaming of Being Punished for a Crime

You may also find yourself dreaming of the punishment phase of a certain wrong doing. Of course waking from a dream like this normally leaves you feeling quite relieved that you weren’t in fact involved in the crime or the punishment. But that doesn’t mean you will not experience anxiety left over from such a feeling.

If this is the case, it’s quite important to try and identify any feelings that you had during this dream, this will help greatly with the interpretation. Try to remember if you had feelings of guilt or anger, and maybe you felt the punishment was unjust or undeserved.  Feeling guilty may be symbolic of something that causes your piece of mind to be disturbed.

But what if you were actually caught committing a crime in your dream, and then you find yourself awaiting the punishment, what would this mean? This is certainly your minds way of telling you that your dreaming mind disapproves of such actions and if you don’t change your ways, then your wrong doings will be discovered in the waking life.

If the person in charge of the punishment is someone you know, then you probably have remorse for something you’ve done wrong to this person in life. But if the punisher is not someone you know, it could simply mean you are feeling guilty for being disrespectful towards an authority figure.

Lynch mobs normally represent society as a whole, and being attacked by one is symbolic of committing a crime against the masses, such as littering, or playing your music too loud in residential neighborhoods. Here are a few other scenarios with a short explanation:

Being Whipped: A feeling that life has dealt you harsh blows.

Being Arrested: Represents a need for restraint in the waking life.

Forensic Team Present: Your minds way of telling you to take a look at your motives.

Stealing in Your Dreams

Stealing, burglary or anything of the sort is a suggestion of feeling envious of someone else, meaning you want something they have. The most important factors of this type of dream would be WHO are you stealing from and WHAT are you taking. This will greatly help with the interpretation.

Crime Dreams
Photo by [bejim] FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Dream Interpretations for Violence

Accidents are often times associated with violence while dreaming and if you are having this type of dream you may want to read my post Meanings for Having Accidents in Your Dreams for a better understanding of these.

Dreams that involve some sort of ambush or abduction may represent your desperate attempts in the waking life to ward off humiliation of some sort. Particularly if you are being abducted or ambushed in your dream then try thinking of someone you feel is trying to control you in life.

If you are dreaming and you begin attacking someone, this normally suggests a hidden hostility towards someone that you know in real life. If this is the case then try to remember what caused the incident, because this could be your dreaming minds way of dealing with pent up frustrations and this was your way of release.

Being the victim of a violent act while dreaming is quite possibly your way of punishing yourself for something you’ve done while awake. If the person committing violence against you is someone you know in real life, then maybe there’s something you’ve done to that person and you’re feeling guilty.

It may also be symbolism for being aware of how you treat others in life. If you are being treated violently by others in your dream it may be the minds way of telling you to be careful not to upset others in life.

Being in Front of a Firing Squad: May represent feelings of victimization.

An Animal Attacker: This could represent an internal conflict with yourself rather than an outside attacker.

So that is a lot of information on dream interpretations involving acts of violence and crime. I know this post is rather long, but I tried to cut some of these explanations quite short in an effort to keep it as short as possible. But as many of you already know, dream interpretation is not a simple thing, in fact most explanations may be quite complex and have several different meanings depending on the scenario and the person. So I challenge you to remember in keeping your dream journal on your nightstand and write down as much as you can when you first wake up.

All the best wishes to you all and I hope all of your dreams are good ones.

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59 thoughts on “Interpreting Dreams of Crime and Violent Acts
    1. Hi Christopher and thank you for commenting. Falling dreams are quite common and usually occur during the first stage of sleep. Falling dreams are usually accompanied by twitches and muscle spasms as well. That’s usually what causes you to wake suddenly with a jerk when having a dream like this.

      As far as what it may mean, dreams of falling are normally associated with a loss of control or anxiety. They may also be a side effect of low self-esteem or a lack of confidence in the waking life.
      Of course it’s important to remember with any dream to take note of the circumstances of which the fall happened. If you are able to remember your surroundings at the time of the fall such as people that may be around you or certain elements of your location, it may help you to better interpret the dream. Hope this helps.

  1. Hi Robert! Interesting page bro! Ok so analyze this, I OFTEN dream somehow or other I get sliced open be it on the hand knee arm ect. And this awful black slime pours out of the wound, I don’t feel any pain and actually TRY to get the slime out but I can never quite remove it all. Also the wounds grow exponentially as the first cut may only be an inch or two until the wound is suddenly 12-18 inches long or now I can see the bones and ‘insides’!

    1. Hey bro! Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my collaboration of bizarreness.
      These types of dreams involving cutting or getting sliced are actually pretty common. Don’t get me wrong in my interpretation as this may not apply to you completely. But normally a dream where you are getting cut is symbolic of either an imbalance in your life. It can also represent an overwhelming turmoil or amount of problems in the waking life.

      This kind of makes sense when paired with the black slime that pours out of your wounds. I believe the slime represents the problems or turmoil or maybe something in your life that you wish to be rid of. It sounds like things are getting better as you’re able to get rid of most of the slime, but you may still have some things left to deal with.
      Having a fear of things getting worse or unsavory aspects of your life compounding could be why the wounds are growing in size. If this interpretation somehow fits into your life, then remember, these are merely your minds way of filing and collecting your daily thoughts, you have the ability to control their outcome.

      Hope this helps bring some light to why you may be having these dreams and again, I truly appreciate you stopping by and giving me a shout on the blog. I hope you will continue to follow my new unusual undertakings! 🙂

  2. Hey Robert! Nice page. How you doing? What made you start analysing dreams? Also I’d like to ask about these 2 particular dreams of mine. When I was about 11 years old I dreamt that I was stuck in a huge library. Everything was green and black. You know the view on night vision goggles? Except it was clearer. And as I was looking for a way out. I saw my uncle on a window. He looked at me and jumped down. Then I woke up. A couple of years later he and my aunt divorced because he was very abusive to both his kids and wife. And last night, I dreamt that I was so very very mad at my sister for a reason that I can’t remember. I grabbed her head and slammed her forhead to the car door several times. Then I woke up. Is the fact that I was mad at her before we slept? Thank you.

    1. Hi Alicia, your dreams are quite disturbing for a few reasons and I must warn you before I proceed that none of this should be taken personal, it is just my view of what your dream speaks to me. As we both know I do not know you personally so I hope not offense is taken.

      That being said, both the colors black and green often have a negative interpretation. Black normally associated with evil and death, and green may be associated with greed…of course it all depends on the shade of green.

      Now when you combine these colors with the window, windows are often found in dreams to represent a point of view, intuition or awareness. Is it possible that your uncle is not a very good person, or has done bad things and your minds eye is telling you to see him for who he is?

      As far as the dream with your sister, sometimes we dream about things that don’t always have a symbolic or ulterior explanation. If you two were fighting right before bed, then that feeling of malice may of carried over into your dream and you finished the argument while sleeping. Of course dreams are always more dramatic than real life, it’s quite doubtful you would actually smash your sister’s head in the waking life, or at least I hope not. 😀

      Anyway, hopefully some of this information may help you find your way to an interpretation you can live with. Thanks again for stopping by!

  3. I recently had a dream of witnessing two five year olds having their noses and mouths ripped off from a gang leader for failing to accomplish his task. What does that mean.

  4. Hi Robert lately I have been having dreams about me killing a lot of my friends and other people this has been going on for about 6 months. It has also been in gory ways do you know what this means.

    1. Jesse, those are some pretty intense dreams you’re talking about. But let’s hope they’re not literal interpretations of what you’d like to do to your friends.

      I would suggesting clearing the air between you and your friends. There may be some pent up hostilities from a past incident that is causing the nightmares. Some instances suggest that dreams of killing others could be a battle with envy or jealousy of some sort. Only you may know how this would apply to your waking life.

      I hope this helps in some way Jesse and I also hope your nightmares may soon pass.

  5. Hi Robert,

    I had a dream last night, that I ended up in a weird killing game, it was horrible I saw a lot of violence but I although I didn’t actually commit any of the acts still ended up running with giant knives. There were a lot of knives in the dream, any idea as to what this could possibly mean?

    1. Hi Kirsty, thank you for sharing your dream with us.

      Normally having a dream that involves you carrying a knife can represent anger and sometimes separation. It’s possible there is something in your life right now that is bothering you and this is significant because you are telling yourself you need to cut it out of you life.

      On a similar note…if the violence you were witnessing involved someone killing others with the knives, then it could represent a feeling of identity loss. Or the loss of your individuality.

      This tells me that what ever it is in your life that is causing you to not be yourself, is more than likely the same in which you should cut out of your life.

      But strangely enough, knives may also represent a healing process of some sort. I hope this helps in some way. And thanks again for stopping by.

  6. I had a dream a pretty girl took my bus fare and put it in her pocket as we were getting on the bus, with a smile on her face. I asked for it back from her and she says no. When she leaves her seat I go through her jacket pockets and take my coin back. The conductor sees me and thinks I am stealing. I try explaining to him and he tells me to stand at the front of the bus. Later she whispers to me ‘I have your phone’. She has taken my brand new phone. I go over and I hit her and somehow she turns very small. I push her and she falls over her on her head and blood is coming out and shes mumbling. I am shocked but then she mumbles that shes not going to give it back so I kick her in the side. Everyone is watching. The driver stops the bus and I get arrested by the cops. I try explaining to them that my phone was stolen as they take me away. I am so angry. What does this mean?

    1. DJ I hate to say it, but this dream sounds like a dream of jealousy. Possibly steams from thoughts of your gf cheating on you with friends? Forgive me if I’m way off on this one, but considering the circumstances and the few details you’ve provided, this would seem the case.

  7. Hello, I recently had a strange dream. To begin I usually have dreams that don’t make any logic sense. I’ve never had falling dreams, naked dreams, violent or anything like that. But just the other night I had a dream about being attacked & stabbed. I was hiding & running & was stabbed over & over. In fact on this night I had two dreams about it. I gently woke up in the first one & went back to sleep. Then had another different dream, different plot about being stabbed. I remembered them both after waking for the second time, but I don’t now.
    This is the first time I’ve ever had a dream remotely violent or scary in any way. Thoughts..??

    1. Hi P.J., thanks for sharing your dream. This is definitely an intense one, and given the repeated stabbings I would believe this is an urgent matter.

      Normally being stabbed can represent a threat from someone or possibly a reminder of a confrontation or precarious situation in the waking life. Sort of symbolic of being on a knife’s edge. Keep in mind what the purpose of a knife is, that is to cut into things or cut things out. Is it possible there is a situation in your waking life that needs to be cut out? We must remember when interpreting our dreams, paying close attention to who our attacker is and what areas of our bodies are being attacked can play a huge role in the meaning. Whether it be a male or female attacker, what sort of object is being used against us can all help with more accurate interpretations. But I would take a look at things going on in your life that may pose danger and you may find what it is your dream is trying to tell you.

      Remember, this doesn’t always mean you are in any physical danger, the situation may not be so literal. Hope this helps…

  8. Hi! I’m certainly prone to weird dreams, but my most recent one is one that I can’t stop thinking about.

    Some quick background; life has been pretty stressful (I have social anxiety and such to add to it), and I’ve been doing everything to avoid what triggers this stress (even when I know I shouldn’t, like school). However, I would say that I’m kind of numb, I don’t really feel much of anything. Perhaps my true emotions manifested into my dream?

    First of all, I was in a sort of group with three other people (four in all). We could move in a sort of superhuman way, like navigating throw buildings, pipes, etc., like we were flying.

    What started that dream is that we would commit a crime (I never know what it is), and be forced to escape from these strangely efficiently police (powers similar to ours but tamed down). The group I was in would end up having to split up to not get caught, but we always got back together by the end. We always ended up being caught, however, but we quitted out before anything bad happened (perhaps translating to running away from my problems). We would always accidentally leave something behind, like a cart of supplies or something. Then the entire scenario would repeat again (which minor variation, of course.) I believe it repeated around three times before I woke up? Definitely something interesting to wake up to.

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