Records and Facts

10 Little Known Facts about Dogs


My Puppy Jack

This is a sequal to my other topic on 20 Little Known Facts about Cats.  The list of 10 Little Known Facts about Dogs is below, but first I wanted to go over some interesting information about dogs in general and tell you a little bit about my current experiences.

A Man’s Best Friend

My family has just recently given home to a new family member.  His name is Jack and he’s a miniature poodle.  Right now he’s still just a puppy at 13 weeks old, and a little fire ball.  It’s amazing just how much energy these little fellers can harvest.  He’ll lounge around resting all day and then when it’s time to go to bed he’s roaring to go!  The poodle breed is actually one of the smartest breeds in the world, but like all dogs they take care and training.  We got him when he was only 6 weeks old, and from what I’ve read that is a little too young for this breed.  I think since he was separated from his Mother and Siblings so early, that he wasn’t given a chance to learn some do’s and don’ts.  But he’s a lot of fun and we’re glad to have him.

Anyway this new addition to our family got me to thinking.  Imagine that, right?  I wanted to give my readers some interesting information pertaining to dogs that you may find useful.  So here’s what my research has uncovered.

Some Interesting Information about Dogs

Dogs are one of the most widely domesticated animals in the world. They have become a loyal part of many families and can bring an uplift in spirit and give us company when we need it the most. The world is home to approximately 400,000,000 dogs.  This number is comprised of many different breeds all of which have some interesting traits and origins.  Let’s go over some of these breeds and a few facts surrounding them.

Dogs, like many animals, have become topics for many superstitions and traditions. One old superstition says that by swallowing the hair from a dog that has bitten you, it will protect you from infection.  This is probably where they old drinking saying, “Hair of the Dog that Bit You” comes from.

Dalmation. by adinaplus, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic LicensePhoto by  adinaplus

Certain breeds have even been bred for protection, rescue and even medical purposes. One such medical purpose has been to detect certain cancerous cells in the human body. They have been trained in the to sniff out breast and lung cancer.  Some may also detect several types of ovarian cancers.

Some types of dogs have been bred for the sole purpose of protecting their owners from different threats. The Doberman Pinscher, it was originally bred by a German tax collect by the name of Ludwig Dobermann (2 n’s).  He bred the dog for protecting him during his tax collecting journeys. Also the Dalmation was bred for the purpose of guarding horse drawn carriages.  They would trot along side the carriages waiting to take guard when their owner was away. Ever hear the term “lap dog”? They were originally bred to detract fleas from their owners.  The first dog bred for this was the Bichon Frise, this was in the Middle Ages.

Some breeds of dog can reach staggering proportions, and some may have very long life spans. There was an English Mastiff named Zorba who was 8’3″ long, 37″ tall at the shoulders and weighed 343 pounds. This is about the size of a large donkey. One of the oldest living dogs was a wire-haired Dachshund named Chanel.  This dog lived to be 21 years old, dying in 2010.

10 Little Known Facts about Dogs

  1. The British Isles is home to many breeds.  Such as Retrievers, Setters, Collies, Terriers, Spaniels and Corgis.
  2. A breed known as Basenjis actually yodels instead of barking.  They are also known as the “barkless” dogs.
  3. The largest bones in any dog are found in the basset hound. Basset is from a French word “bas” meaning “low”.
  4. The name Corgi is a Welch word, meaning “dwarf dog”.
  5. The Ibizan hounds are believed to be descendants from dogs bred in Egypt in 3400 BC.
  6. The top two dogs most likely to bite are the German Shepherd and the Chow Chow.
  7. The mouth of a Golden Retriever’s mouth is so soft they can actually pick up three raw eggs in it without breaking them.
  8. Some believe the Dalmation originated in Dalmatia, there is actually no proof to support this.
  9. A good 30% of all Dalmations suffer from either partial or total hearing loss.
  10. Other breeds with a high chance of hearing loss are Boxers, Bull Terriers, Great Danes and Poodles.

Of course I realize that not everyone is a dog lover.  But usually during everyone’s life at one time or another a pet has drifted into it.  For those of you that are cat lovers, check out my topic on 20 Little Known Facts about Cats.

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17 thoughts on “10 Little Known Facts about Dogs
  1. I have 2 Labradors and they are so cute especially when they play together. I believe in #7, but I think they are clumsy enough to break them eggs. hehehe

    1. I hear ya Marie, there’s nothing more cute that a dog playing. Our puppy Jack is playing constantly, he just about wears us out.

      1. Robert, I’m in the same boat with my Sasha. She is a constant ball of energy. After a 25 minute bike ride with her running next to me, when we return home it only takes about 10 minutes before she is ready to start playing again. This is why I think a new a addition to the family would be another benefit.

        1. That’s actually a pretty good idea, I think it’s important for dogs to have a play mate, someone to help release some of that energy on.

    1. You should search this site and you will find extremely well written and informative articles. I’m going to share this with my local community!

  2. Heh… Looking at point 3 and recalling how a basset looks everyone would say they are SAD dogs 😉

    1. Yep, they have a distinguished sad look to them. Very low to the ground too, I think a lot of them have a tendency to over eat as well.

  3. Developing a strong bond with your dog is the foundation for all future training.

    Remember a dog can not ask questions, words have no meaning to a dog, until you combine them with a physical action.

    Cheers !

    1. Very good point Jam. Your pets need to respect you and your practices in order to respond well to training. Building trust is the first key to success.

      That’s a great point on combining words with action, thank you for the input! 🙂

    1. Oh how true that is! My little puppy Jack is a wild one, he wants to play constantly. Being older I don’t always have it in me to play with him as much as he’d like. I’ll check out your website for some tips on training, thanks.

  4. Thanks for sharing Robert. I found that fact #2, that states Basenjis actually yodels instead of barking is quite unusual. I think it’s hysterical and now I have to hear it for myself. My Sasha tries to talk all the time!

    1. Yah I think it’s so cool how each breed of dog has their own interesting traits. I think of Jack as just another member of the family and he’s been with us since he was a few weeks old. He thinks he’s a person! 🙂

    1. Thank you Caleb, I’m glad you enjoyed the facts. And thanks for stopping by for a read!

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